Andy Ko   South Korea

Love Soccer,
Love Korean Barbecue,
Love your PO


Andy Ko
The first launch show in Indonesia was held on Apr 5 in Fairmont hotel Jakarta with our new dealer!
To see more, please check the below link.
Andy Ko
FIPC17 guest book
Seems already long time ago
Andy Ko
Looking tired
Looking tired but
Working alright
Andy Ko
First half closing meeting
Fursys overseas division finished its first half closing meeting. Thanks to all overseas dealers. We are ready to run in the second half :)
Andy Ko
Turtle neck relaxation excersize
Free to do turtle neck relaxation exrcise for those who work too much.
Richard Kim  You never know that we have Ninja Tuttles in Fursys Overseas sale team. I'm just showing 3 tuttles from 4! Raffael is taking this pic. Need a help? Call my Ninja Tuttles!